Wheat Malt per 100g – Joe White Maltings
$0.48 incl. GST
price per 100g
Wheat – Ideal for: Weissbier, Witbier, Lambic, Berliner, Weisse and Gose
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Shop 4 / 69 Shore Street West
Phone: (07) 38211822
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About Wheat Malt per 100g – Joe White Maltings
price per 100 grams
Wheat – Ideal for: Weissbier, Witbier, Lambic, Berliner, Weisse and Gose
Premium White Wheat is malted in the same way as barley and is used as a base malt in the production of classic wheat beers. At lower percentages of the grist, wheat malt can also be added to any number of beer styles to enhance foam stability and mouthfeel.
Joe White Maltings – Australia
For over 160 years Joe White Maltings have embodied the true grit and spirit of the Australian Malting. Built on a tradition of high quality and customer specific malts for the brewing, distilling and food product industries, their experience across the country is second to none. These maltsters are immensely proud of their craft and products which has been the result of expertise passed down through the generations. Combined with a commitment to partner with Bintani, they deliver the best possible malt in a reliable, responsible and sustainable way.
Joe White Maltings also reflects its historical roots by manufacturing an extensive range of coloured and specialty malts. This tradition began when the company installed its first roaster at their Collingwood malthouse in 1926. Today, the Specialty Product Centre, with its state of the art Barth roasters, is located in Ballarat which is the spiritual home of Joe White Maltings – a reminder for all in our company of the historical association of Joe White and great beer!
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